MetroDiary 6: The Guess Game
In long train rides when you travel alone, if you do not want to fiddle with your phone and watch a video on various categories of sneezing (thats what my co-passenger watched), you can play the guess game.
That is, you can try to guess the profession of your co-passengers from their conversations and actions. No! Dont cheat! Do not look at the folders and the i-cards they are carrying. It's risky! Dont you believe me? I broke this rule today and you know what happened? I found out that the girl standing next to me was from the organisation that did a salary study for my organisation last year, and after that I had to really try hard to not to step on her toes with my heavy shoes

Today I was 10 minutes late, therefore, saw a very different crowd. A group of 5 girls in their 20s caught my attention. They stood in a huddle. Two of them shared music. They used one end each of one ear-plug. This however, was not a barrier for a fullscale conversations. Their loud laughter disturbed people who tried to catch a wink, while they discussed sleep at the top of their voices. They wondered how are others able to remain awake till late at nights to study, whereas they felt sleepy by 10. One said, she could at the most remain awake till 12 am. She also commented about another acquiantance who can remain awake all through the night but, her eyes look like pakoras (salty puffed fritters) the next day. Much laughter followed. One of them however, said, “Even I can remain awake!” As others in her group gave her a look that was fit for a betrayer, she promptly added, “To chat bahen (sister). I can definitely be up till 3 to chat. No studies please!” They laughed out loud again! I concluded they were students and looked away.
However, when I turned back my attention to them after a few minutes, they were talking about how naughty children are in their classes and how some of the boys even ask them to punish others. The laughter continued and I got down from the train much confused! Were they students? Or were they teahcers?
It was that very moment that I received a whatsapp notification. A dear colleague had sent a quiz. "How well do you know me?" Oh no! Failing once is enough! I pleaded, "Why do I have to know you? I love you, you see!" She promptly replied, "I love you too!" Phew! Saved! Your children teach you wonderful tricks
😝to save your a ... ahem! whatever!

Therefore you see, in long train rides you can play the guess game but then do not expect to know the result.
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