#Metro Diary 24: Don't get down! Not yet!

The friend sitting next may not find it funny enough, though. "Bhai! Why do you keep checking on this strange guy every day? You looked at him in the morning too." He makes sure classmates sitting across the compartment also get to hear. A visibly embarrassed stand-up-comedy-addict mumbles, "It's not the same one!" Not one to retreat easily, the first one adds, "Ma kasam! It is the same one. Tu bhul gaya hoga! You forgot. He was wearing the same shirt! Does he have only one shirt?" The other one concedes defeat and the phone gets tucked away. The discussions turn towards what kind of "ulte-pulte" ab-moves that may result in abdominal hernia and how "physiotherapy doctors" can put them back in place with massage. How defeating people in wrestling is all about techniques and not physique. The discussion got so engaging that the friend refused to let go of the friend, whose destination was fast approaching. He locked his friends foot between his feet. When the train threatens to close the door to leave, with the same calmness of the Godfather, he tried another trick! He shouted at the friend then standing at the gate, "Can I come with you? I will come up to the exit gate and come back!" both laughed at the futility of the idea and the one in white t-shirt left soon. The ride was not fun for the other friend anymore!
On the other side of the gate, it was time for the couple, who could get a seat together after a long time, to part for the day. Till the time they got seats together, the boy kept standing near the girl, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind, which particular seat should be emptied for him. And sure enough when a seat was emptied in the bench facing that one, the passenger sitting next to the girl actually got up and went across so that he could sit next to his woman. The man however, had to leave his seat and lady-love only after a few stations even as the woman asked him not to with her eyes! Tough life!
The boy in the black t-shirt already looked bored and took out his phone. May be he wanted to check the same video that his friend was looking at a few minutes ago.
My boys would love to be in your situation, at least as of now when they do not understand the routine drudgery of commuting across states. For them, the destination station arrives far too quickly :D
ReplyDeleteTell the boys that "GhuNte" maasi is already suffering what the "Gobor" nephews are heading towards...